Student Code of Conduct & B.I.T.
The primary purposes of the Student Code of Conduct are to promote campus civility and academic integrity and to provide a framework for the imposition of discipline in the University setting. The Code gives notice of prohibited conduct and of the sanctions to be imposed if such conduct occurs. The Code should be read broadly, and is not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. The Code specifies the rights of the student and the rights of other parties to the procedure. It ensures that students who are alleged to have engaged in unacceptable conduct receive fair and impartial consideration of the charges against them and are afforded due process.
The Student Code of Conduct, WSU Statute 2.31.02, can be found online at or on the Dean of Students (DOSO) website at under Student Conduct.
The Student Code of Conduct applies to conduct that occurs on University premises, including University owned or operated housing, and at University or Housing sponsored activities or events, whether on or off-campus. The Code applies to student behavior regardless of whether the behavior might give rise to civil or criminal liability.
Academic Misbehavior is defined in the Code as "Any activity which tends to compromise the academic integrity of the institution or subvert the education process". Examples of academic misbehavior include, but are not limited to:
- cheating;
- fabrication;
- plagiarism;
- academic obstruction;
- enlisting the assistance of a substitute in the taking of examinations;
- falsifying academic credentials;
- violation of course rules as contained in the course syllabus or other written information provided to the student.
When a student has been alleged to have engaged in "Academic Misbehavior", the appropriate faculty member in the college/school can downgrade the student pursuant to Section 10.1 (A) of the Code, without the necessity of filing a charge. In taking this step, the faculty member must follow the notification procedures and appeal procedures specified in Section 10.1 (A). For guidance on using 10.1(A), please seek guidance from the University's Student Conduct Officer in the Dean of Students Office at 577-1010 or at
Non-Academic Misbehavior is set forth in the Code under Section 4.0 Prohibited Conduct. It includes, but is not limited to, the following general categories:
- furnishing false Information (such as submitting a false transcript or a fraudulent doctor's note to avoid academic assignments; lying to an employee of the University; OneCard fraud or mispresentation of student status);
- disorderly behavior;
- failure to comply;
- theft;
- damage of property;
- illegal drugs; misuse of legal drugs;
- weapons on campus;
- false report of emergency;
- acts that if proven, would be a violation of criminal law.
Any University member who has been a victim of prohibited conduct, witnessed prohibited conduct or been affected by prohibited conduct can initiate charges under the Code by contacting the University's Student Conduct Officer at 577-1010 or People with specific questions regarding prohibited conduct, disciplinary sanctions or the Code's procedures at Wayne State University should can contact the Student Conduct Officer at 577-1010.
The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
Wayne State has a Behavioral Intervention Team that meets regularly to discuss student behavior issues, especially those involving threatening behavior. This Team does threat assessments and early intervention, pursuant to best practices, and assists the University in responding early and in a coordinated way to potential behavioral concerns.
BIT also provides guidance to members of the University community in an effort to achieve consistency in handling student issues and in ensuring compliance with the Student Code of Conduct, housing policies, and other student-related policies and practices, including student privacy and disability concerns.
BIT includes as permanent members:
Dean of Students (Chairperson)
Associate Dean of Students and Student Conduct Officer
Director, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Director, Student Disabilities Services (SDS)
Member of the Office of the General Counsel
Director, Office Of Housing and Residential Life
Member of Crime Prevention Section of the WSU Police Department
If you have any concerns about student behavior issues, especially those involving any type of threatening behavior, please bring it to the immediate attention of Lt. Dave Scott of the Wayne State Police at 577-6064 or and/or the Chairperson of SUIT, Dean David Strauss at 577-1010 or If you are dealing with an emergency situation, immediately call the Wayne State Police at 577-2222.
-- updated 12/02/2024